Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Christchurch became the first New Zealand city to adopt sanctions against Israel

Christchurch became the first New Zealand city to adopt sanctions against Israel

Christchurch became the first New Zealand city to adopt sanctions against Israel

Christchurch this morning became the first city in New Zealand to impose sanctions on Israel after passing a resolution to change procurement policies to exclude companies building and maintaining illegal Israeli settlements on Palestinian land.

“We are pleased that the council has taken a stand against Israel’s continued theft of Palestinian land,” says PSNA National Chairman John Minto.

“It was the failure of Western governments to hold Israel accountable, which means Israel has a 76-year history of oppression and mistreatment of Palestinians.”

“Israel is wreaking havoc across the Middle East today because it has never been held accountable for 76 years of egregious violations of international law,” Minto says.

“The proposal accepted today by the City of Christchurch helps end Israeli impunity for war crimes” (Building settlements on occupied land owned by others is a war crime under international law)

“This proposal is a small but important step towards imposing sanctions against Israel. There are many more steps to follow.”

“We are particularly pleased that the council has rejected the red herrings and confusion of Jewish Council of New Zealand spokesman Ben Kepes, who has urged council members to reject the proposal.”

“Mr Kepes’s presentation was a repetition of outdated, old arguments used by white South Africans to avoid responsibility for their apartheid policies of the last century – policies that are reflected in Israel today.”

Before the vote, PSNA national chairman John Minto and Canterbury University lecturer Josephine Varghese spoke in favor of the motion, supported by a packed public gallery displaying a “Stop Genocide” banner.

“It would be nice to think that the government would pass Resolution 2334 and show leadership in imposing sanctions on Israel rather than leaving it to local authorities.”

John Minto

National Chairman

Palestinian Solidarity Network Aotearoa

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