Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Fairfield Police Arrest Dangerous Drunk Driver – 3B Media News

Fairfield Police Arrest Dangerous Drunk Driver – 3B Media News

On Oct. 13, Officer Nicholas Brendle of the Fairfield Glade Police Department stopped behind a black Corvette that was traveling on Stonehenge Drive approaching Peavine Road. Brendle saw the vehicle drive from the 120 unit of Wilshire Heights Drive, approach a red light at the intersection of Peavine and Stonehenge, then turn around at the red light and begin driving back down Stonehenge into the parking lot across from Wyndham. registration building.

The vehicle then drove quickly through the parking lot and, without stopping on Wilshire Heights Drive, attempted to turn into the first row of apartments from which it had exited; However, the car missed the turn and entered the oncoming lane and the grass on the left side of the road.

The vehicle then began to reverse toward Officer Brendel’s vehicle, at which time the officer exited the vehicle and ordered the driver to put the Corvette in park.

When the officer approached, the driver asked why the officer was “fussing with him” and initially refused to put the vehicle in park. After opening the door and repeatedly ordering him to turn off the car, the driver complied.

Officer Brendle states in his report that he noticed the odor of alcoholic beverages coming from the driver, as well as glassy eyes.

Brendle identified the driver as Michael Yoakam from previous contacts, and the driver repeatedly stated that he was a retired law enforcement officer.

After turning off the car and getting out, Yoakam tried to deny that he was drunk, but admitted that he only drank a little alcohol. However, he refused to take field sobriety tests and that is when Officer Brendle detained him.

Sergeant Hammonds arrived on scene and it was then that the subject performed field sobriety tests, but after being read his Miranda rights, he stated that he did not understand his rights and then again refused field sobriety tests.

It was at this point that Yoakam was arrested and taken to the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office on charges of driving under the influence.

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