Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Honorary Contribution of Long-Term Care Residents

Honorary Contribution of Long-Term Care Residents

Respect the contributions and sacrifices made by residents of long-term care facilities

To the editor:

October marks National Long-Term Care Resident Rights Month, a time to honor the contributions and sacrifices made by long-term care (LTC) residents to the betterment of our community. It is also an opportunity to highlight and affirm the rights of those living in long-term care facilities. This year’s theme, “The Power of My Voice,” emphasizes the importance of empowerment and celebrates the power of residents to be vocal about their interests, personal growth, and their right to live fulfilling, enriching lives.

Residents’ Rights Month serves as a reminder to respect and protect the rights of every resident. The federal Nursing Home Reform Act supports these principles by guaranteeing the rights of residents and emphasizing the importance of individual dignity, choice and self-determination.

This law requires nursing homes to “promote and protect the rights of every resident” by ensuring that these fundamental rights are not just recognized, but actively supported. It is critical that we raise awareness of these protections and recognize residents who benefit from them.

We also want to acknowledge our dedicated local Long-Term Care Ombudsman program staff and volunteers who work tirelessly to advocate for residents’ rights, resolve complaints, and provide guidance to families seeking long-term care options. Here in Washington County, Maryland, they serve as a vital resource in ensuring that residents’ voices are heard and respected.

I encourage community members to connect with friends and family in long-term care, participate in Residents’ Rights Month activities, or consider becoming a long-term care ombudsman volunteer. By doing this, you help amplify the voices of those in long-term care and show them that they are not forgotten. Your participation can make a real difference by ensuring that residents live with the dignity, respect and rights they deserve.

Katelin Via

Long Term Care Ombudsman

Washington County Commission on Aging Inc.

Voting is your civic duty, so make an informed choice.

To the editor:

This website offers a step-by-step guide for Marylanders interested in voting in the presidential election:

Maryland has long been a Democratic-leaning state, and in the 2020 election, Joe Biden easily carried Maryland with 65.4% of the vote to Donald Trump’s 32.2%.

Undecided voters who want to know reasons to vote for Kamala Harris may want to Google “reasons to vote for Harris.”

Undecided voters wanting to know reasons to vote for Donald Trump may want to Google “reasons to vote for Trump.”

If you are eligible to vote but are wondering why you should vote, you can Google “why voting is important.”

In 2020, while 158 million people voted for a presidential candidate, 94 million voting-age citizens were eligible to vote but did not vote. Many people agree with me when I say: voting is your civic duty.

Daniel Möller


A traffic light is required at the I-81 exit in Greencastle.

To the editor:

They want a traffic light on the ramp when exiting Interstate 81 in Greencastle, not a stop sign.

Having a traffic light there instead of a stop sign would help reduce traffic congestion on Highway 81.

There are big traffic jams in this small town.

The congestion could be cleared.

Pete Seville

Greencastle, Pennsylvania.

Donald Trump doesn’t respect our military

To the editor:

“The Democrats got us into two wars (without detailing which wars, in Iraq and Afghanistan, were started under the Bush administration) and have no respect for the military or the people of our country,” Ms. Sullivan said ( 9/). 22/2024). As a retired US military veteran, I find her comments not only inappropriate, but offensive.

I proudly served in uniform for 20 years and was honored to serve in war and peace, representing our country at home and in many foreign countries. Millions of Democrats also serve our country in uniform and respect our country and its people. In my experience, military personnel come in all political stripes, but during the mission it doesn’t matter.

As for the former president’s appearance at Arlington National Cemetery, he and his team were notified that they could appear with their families at the gravesite of a family member and even take photos there. They were also told very clearly that they could not use the photograph for political purposes. This is a long-standing ANC rule as it is a solemn and sacred place. No other president or candidate has ever violated it.

Not only did Trump ignore this directive, but when an ANC staffer tried to stop Trump staffers from violating the rule, she was pushed out of the way. It is clear from this behavior that if anyone is disrespecting our military, it is the former President who is using war graves as props in a political campaign advertisement. A presidential candidate who doesn’t understand this has no place being commander in chief.

Angela Clemens

USAF Retired


If Harris is elected president, she will return to her far-left beliefs

To the editor:

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., called Vice President Kamala Harris’ decision to soften her views on fracking and Medicare for All “pragmatic,” saying Harris is doing what she believes is right to win the election and that he still considers her “progressive.”

I believe Kamala will continue to spread her words, which are nothing but gibberish, during her campaign. If Kamala is elected president, she will return to her far-left beliefs and practices. The troop would not vote/support her if they felt her position was inconsistent with theirs.

Where is President Biden? Finally, after almost a year, on September 20, he met with his cabinet, where his wife headed the negotiating table. What a government! When Kamala is going to address the press in a real interview and not a soft interview like with NABJ (compare this to the Trump interview) and Oprah. Who could ever forget a one-sided debate on ABC? Although ABC denies any wrongdoing.

God Bless America! We must rise above the shame and weakness this administration has brought to our country. They laugh at us on the world stage.

Judy Holland

Hedgesville, West Virginia

Trump used visit to Arlington Cemetery for election purposes

To the editor:

As an Army veteran, I would like to respond to the letter regarding Donald Trump and Arlington Cemetery.

This is the man who said that those who served are suckers and losers.

Trump used this visit for election purposes and violated the rules for visiting the cemetery.

I also wonder what two wars the Democrats started.

James Griffin

Waynesboro, Pennsylvania.

This article originally appeared in The Herald-Mail: Letters: Honorable contributions from long-term care home residents.

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