Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Donald Trump as a mystical figure in Western history

Donald Trump as a mystical figure in Western history

Donald Trump is not just a political figure. To his supporters, he is a bastion of traditionalism and a champion of the slogan “America First.” To his detractors, he is a destructive agent of chaos. However, behind these superficial views lies a deeper, almost mystical interpretation of Trump’s political path, which sees him as a figure of cosmic and world-historical significance. This approach, often called “esoteric Trumpism,” sees Trump not simply as a modern political figure, but as an archetype in the great cycles of history—a Caesar-like figure waging the final battle against the forces of decay in the decline of Western civilization. .

One of the central philosophical lenses through which esoteric Trumpism is framed is the cyclical theory of history as expounded by Oswald Spengler. In his seminal work, The Decline of the West, Spengler argued that every great culture passes through stages of growth, flourishing, and eventual decline. At its zenith, culture radiates creative energy, but over time it ossifies into what Spengler calls “civilization.” At this final stage, culture becomes a lifeless apparatus characterized by materialism, bureaucracy and stagnation.

In Spengler’s framework, democratic institutions become decadent and weak, unable to withstand the challenges of a dying civilization. This decline opens the way for autocratic leaders, or Caesars, to assert their will and try to save the last vestiges of vitality in a dying society. Donald Trump, in this reading, appears as a modern Caesar, waging a desperate battle against the forces of entropy that threaten to consume the achievements of Western culture.

According to this version, Trump’s presidency goes beyond mere electoral politics. Every decree, every public statement becomes an attempt to take power from what its supporters call “The Swamp” – a bureaucratic, technocratic elite that is seen as a political entity and a manifestation of the forces of corruption. In Esoteric Trumpism, this “Swamp” takes on Lovecraftian overtones: it is not simply a corrupt political class, but an ancient, almost chthonic force, fueled by supernatural energies, that predates the American Republic itself. Trump’s fight against this presence is thus portrayed as a metaphysical battle for the very soul of the nation.

While Spengler provides a macrohistorical framework for Trump’s role, German philosopher Martin Heidegger offers a more existential and individualistic understanding of Trumpism. According to Heidegger, Dasein refers to a special way of being that characterizes man, defined by self-awareness and the ability to use one’s own potential. Dasein is not an isolated concept, but is deeply interconnected with its historical and social context. It is through Dasein that individuals understand their place in the world and shape their destiny.

Trump’s populism, when viewed through this lens, can be interpreted as an awakening of the collective Dasein of the American people. His rhetoric about restoring national identity, sovereignty, and “America First” is a call for a return to an authentic way of being. By invoking images of a nostalgic past and a more sovereign future, Trump offers a bridge between the “thrownness” of American citizens into a globalized bureaucratic existence and the opportunity for them to reclaim their historical and cultural identity.

In Heidegger’s sense, Trumpism serves as a response to the existential anxiety of modern life. The populist call to “Make America Great Again” speaks to those who feel alienated by the impersonal forces of globalism and the endless abstractions of modern governance. Thus, Trumpism is not just political rhetoric; it is a movement aimed at reconnecting people with their community and historical core, calling on them to reassert their place in the world and reclaim their destiny.

Esoteric Trumpism also corresponds to the philosophy of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, especially his concept of the World Spirit. According to Hegel, history is the unfolding of universal reason through time, in which different peoples and eras embody the self-consciousness of freedom. In this dialectical process, no political or social structure is permanent; everything is in motion, constantly striving for a higher realization of freedom and self-awareness.

Trump’s populism can be interpreted as an important moment in this historical process – an affirmation of the unique manifestation of the World Spirit in America against the imposition of modern technocracy. Trumpism becomes not just a political ideology, but a defense of America’s internal identity in the face of external pressures from globalism, environmentalism, and the rise of post-national institutions. In this sense, Trumpism is part of the ongoing dialectical evolution of the World Spirit, representing America’s struggle to maintain its freedom and sovereignty in a changing world.

Trump’s economic nationalism – his tariffs, immigration controls and policies aimed at reducing global dependence – are symbolic of a civilization in the final stages of its development and struggling to maintain its autonomy. Spengler wrote that as civilizations approach their end, they become primarily economic entities, obsessed with resources and sovereignty. Trump’s trade wars with China, his emphasis on reviving American industry, and his abandonment of global climate agreements are not just political strategies; these are the actions of a leader who sees the decline of his civilization and tries to contain the inevitable.

Trump’s abandonment of environmental policies and his emphasis on energy independence reflect a desire to maintain control over nature and resources, consistent with Spengler’s characterization of Western civilization as Faustian, driven by an insatiable desire for power and domination over nature. From this perspective, Trump is not simply resisting globalist pressure; he embodies the final, daring act of a civilization determined to maintain its vitality even when it is close to collapse.

Perhaps nowhere is esoteric Trumpism more evident than in Trump’s involvement in the ongoing culture wars. His opposition to critical race theory, his defense of free speech, and his rejection of radical gender ideologies are presented as more than just political positions. They are seen as part of a larger battle to preserve the cultural foundations of the West. The progressive agenda, characterized by unchecked multiculturalism, radical social policies, and the suppression of traditional values, is portrayed as an existential threat to Western civilization. Trump’s opposition to this program is thus framed as a defense of the West’s core identity against forces that seek to destroy it.

In this battle, Trump is not just a politician; he is an archetypal figure fighting against the decay of cultural values. Its role is to stand as a bulwark against the internal degeneration that threatens to destroy Western civilization from within. His legacy in this sense will be defined not by his political successes or failures, but by his symbolic resistance to the forces of decline.

Esoteric Trumpism positions Donald Trump not as an aberration but as a product of a historical moment—a predetermined figure who emerged in response to the decline of Western civilization. His authoritarian tendencies and his rejection of the liberal democratic norms of the post-war era are not flaws but strengths, traits necessary to resist the end of civilization. Like the Roman Caesars, Trump represents a new form of leadership suitable for a world in decline.

In the end, Trump’s significance lies not in the man, but in the archetype he embodies. His rise does not promise material success; it is a symbol of rebellion against a world order in its final throes. Esoteric Trumpism channels existential fears of a civilization in free fall, yearning for a return to wholeness and self-expression. Even as Trump’s personal influence wanes, the archetype he represents will endure—a testament to the definitive, courageous spirit of a people struggling to survive in a decaying world.

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